Oscar Winner trains Perpetual Padawan, Cine Visionaries

Hello friends,

This is Martin Anaya, Director of the California Film Foundation. I have a special message for anyone who considers his or herself a film maker, director, producer  or cinematographer.

This Saturday night we are launching an amazing film making program we call CINE VISIONARIES. We're doing this with a training workshop by none other than Academy Award winning director KIETH MERRILL (The Last Cowboy).


Now, in case you're saying "I'd love to attend but can't make a movie just now" let me say this: You don't have to complete a film now. You can turn in your application and fee and take advantage of this special workshop now. If you get a film made great, if not, no problem. There are still a couple of seeas left. Also, for my friends unable to get to Sacramento to see it live, you may mail your application and we will get the video to you later.

But I have a basic question for you. Please think hard before you answer. What is your education as a film maker worth to you? That is to say, are you a Jedi knight who needs no instruction? Are you a master of film who simply thinks about it and it happens? Or, are you like most of us, still learning, still searching and still trying to put it all together? Look, you don't have to aswer to me. You owe me no explanation. But unless you've made millions of dollars and unless you yourself have won numerous accolades and Oscars you may wish to consider that perhaps there is more to learn.

Unless you live in L.A. workshops like the one we're doing Saturday come around very seldom. So if you consider yourself a true film maker then perhaps you would like to consider joining us for the workshop, even if you can't devote the time to a short film right now. Furthermore, until you get that closet full of Oscars yourself, maybe you will like me, consider yourself less a Jedi than a padawan learner, an apprentice, still seeking your Jedi status. In fact, perhaps you'll consider attending this workshop and others like it as a critical step in your training on your way to Jedi status. I have an entire article on this "Perpetual Padawan" concept for your consideration: http://www.californiafilm.net/profiles/blogs/the-purpetual-padawan

Hope to see you tomorrow (Saturday evening) Here's the info on registering: www.CaliforniaFilm.net


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Comment by kathlyne ( kat ) markham on April 17, 2012 at 6:00pm

I am in Chicago @ the moment...

How did the Keith Merrill training turn out????!!!! Are you now...an official JEDI??!!! YES!!!!!!



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