Damn... Doesn't look so good. I am now 6 hours behind schedule due to technical difficulties.

1) Software crashes, yes still having issues with my editing software

2) no audio on my audio computer (took an hour to fix), but I eventually created a decent scanners sound effect

3) the first "stabilization" attempt AE stabilization (for the effects shot) took an hour to analyze, and it was crap. Did not do what I needed.

4) second stabilization attempt using Mocha. This won't be done until about 12:00 PM.

5) and I am sick. Brain not functioning at optimal levels.

LESSON: Should have started the tracking last night!

I had planned 3 hours for the effects. So I would be left with about 3 hours to finish every thing else. I was actually planning on being done by 3PM but now looks more like after 6:30PM cutting corners. And then an hour drive to the Artisan. Can't use the "render in the car trick" because my software is on the desktop.

May not make the 48 Hour gig, but I can still finish it next weekend and add it to my body of work. Also, I am still setup for shooting in my apartment so I may as well work on some other creations.

Anyway, I had fun with the script and shooting it. I think it would have gotten some laughs. If only I had drawn a different genre. I mean I had other ideas that didn't involve tracking, but the genre I received required it. Too late to re-write. :(

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