Time: January 6, 2012 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: The Artisan
Street: 1901 Del Paso blvd
City/Town: Sacramento
Website or Map: http://CaliforniaFilm.net
Phone: 916-524-5138
Event Type: mixer, launch, event
Organized By: CFF
Latest Activity: Jan 6, 2012
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Join us for a fabulous event as we engage area filmmakers in a conversation on film. Why is film uniquely able to inspire, motivate and compell audiences? What makes film the medium of choice for many creative tyes and how can film be used to better our world?
This is an inaurgural film program of the California Film Foundation aimed at inspiring audiences to see our world in a positive light. Many positive innovations escape the sensational headline news stories. Cine Visionaries will introduce us to people, events and movements that are making a positive impact in our world. These are short films (under 7 minutes in length) that will create a new awareness and understanding of our world by profiling people (i.e. mentors), places ( i.e. miraclous naturaul wonders), organizations (i.e. Occupy), and events (i.e. Food drives etc.) that are changing our world for the better. These films may be narrative or documentary but they must be about a real subject. Cine Visionaries will help illuminate the world as to the wonders all around us. Cine-Visionaries will demonstrate how film has the power to change man-kind for the better.
Was planning to go but found out today that I will be out town. Hope it goes well!
I am inspired by Visionares and as an actress filmmaker and poet I would love to attend and contribute .. only distance prevernts it.
My heart is with you ..but the rest of me is in NEW JERSEY!!
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