Character list:

1.Mail boy caucasian 7- 10 years
2. Ethel female caucasian late 20s -mid 30s
3. Lililian female caucasian mid 50s
4. Josephine female caucasian early 50s
5. Conductor – male caucasian 50 to 60
6. Receptionist, LA hotel woman caucasian early twenties to 30s
7. Store clerk – male caucasian 50s
8. Carlos Pilot Hispanic male late 20s to mid 30s
9. Ramón, airplane steward male Hispanic 20s to 30s
10. Steve, Pilot caucasian male 40s-50s
11. Luis, pilot Hispanic age range late 20s – 40s
12. Last passenger, pg. 10 female caucasian
13. Female passenger 30s caucasian
14. Rosa, Pension owner female Hispanic 40s to 40s
15. Marie, Ethel’s friend Female late caucasian 20s -mid 30s
16. Lupita Hispanic late teens early 20s Hispanic Carlos Daughter
17. Flower vendor male 50s caucasian
18. Musician leader, pg. 57 male 40s Hispanic
19. Receptionist, Patzcuaro Hotel woman Hispanic early twenties to 30s
20. Waiter, serves margaritas pg. 71 Hispanic male late 20s 30s
21. Pamela Sarto, caucasian tourist female mid late 50s
22. Shirley Owens, caucasian tourist Female mid-late 50s
23. Mexican Indigenous guide male, Hispanic 50s to 60s
24. Chicho, guide and driver man, Hispanic, Late 30s
25. Receptionist, Veracruz (Fortin de las Flores) Female, Hispanic early twenties to 30s
26. Pruitt, male, Caucasian late 40s early 50s (Sacramento), pg 120
27. Dr Reitz, male, caucasian late 50s -60s

Send submissions to the table read will be held on Sunday 10th 6pm.

Need well trained actors/great readers. It's a 1930 time peace as such would like performers that can portray themselves with the accent of that time era. Please do not contact me for anything else. We are only making final decisions on the screenplay prior to production. If you would like to learn more of who I am my credits can be found on IMDB as J.J.Perez. the writer is a local Sacramento resident a published writer. This film will be shot in Sacramento, losangeles, Mexico. Based on a ture story of a woman Ethel.

Inadvanced, I humbly thank everyone.

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