Interesting Changes in the Exhibition Business

This month we've seen some interesting developments in the Exhibition business... the people who own the theaters. Naturally, this directly relates to Movie Making since these are the people we want to show our products. The big challenge has always been "How do we get our products (movies) to them". Traditionally, the only way was through a distributor. The Distribution Deal became the Holy Grail. But as of recently, the distributors have not been buy much of Indy Movie product ( for a number or reasons ). Here's what's changing:
--AMC Theatre chain just signed a DIRECT deal with a documentary filmmaker to show his movie at 14 of their theaters. That's unheard of... and very brave of AMC to go against their bread & butter of their traditional suppliers (studios). Will they be punished for that?, because now... They have opened the door to direct deals with filmmakers.
--The big new 16 screen cineplex in Folsom just opened this week...and it's ALL DIGITAL. Meaning...if we can ever get in the door to direct distribution, we DON'T have to do an expensive 35mm film out. We can distribute in a very inexpensive digital form. That makes it easier to sell our products to them!
Interesting developments!!

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Comment by Grompi on July 6, 2022 at 3:37am

You must understand that the development of complex chat bots, a long and complex process. Complex chat bots are developed by entire development teams. Because you need to know a lot, know how to work with databases, apply machine learning algorithms and so on. I would recommend you to ask for such services from ChatBot Development company They recently developed a chat bot for a large investment project. The chat bot has a huge number of different functions. But the development time also took a month and a half.

Comment by Toni on July 6, 2022 at 3:37am

This is why we are looking for developers who specialize in the development of such chat bots.

Comment by Grompi on July 6, 2022 at 3:37am

Such chat bots are not exactly simple. An ordinary chat bot that just answers simple questions or performs simple actions is not difficult to develop. But if he has to work with data and the database, then these are complex chat bots.

Comment by Toni on July 6, 2022 at 3:36am

Who knows companies that develop sophisticated chat bots? That don't just respond with simple sentences to customers, but can provide information on demand and many other things that we need.


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