How to Transform Your Smart Speaker Into a Smart Home Hub

One of the best things about modern smart speakers is that they allow you to control your smart devices such as smart bulbs. Giving verbal commands such as, “Siri, turn on the TV,” or “Hey Google, turn off the coffee machine,” is unbeatable. Let’s explore the process of turning your smart digital assistant speakers into the smart home hub.

Transform Smart Home Devices with Alexa

Alexa is enabled in the Amazon Echo lineup and also comes with other smart home gadgets with speakers and Amazon Alexa integration. This signifies that the users have a number of options for controlling Alexa.

  1. First and foremost, you need to ensure that the smart speaker and Alexa and compatible. Check the list of all the digital assistants the device is compatible with.
  2. After ensuring compatibility, you need to set up the smart home gadget and make sure that the Alexa speaker and smart home device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Install all available updates.
  3. Launch Alexa, access its menu and choose Skills. Find the skill and link it to the voice assistant. Turn on the skill and follow the prompts to set up the connection.
  4. Command Alexa to discover your devices. Check if Alexa discovers any new device. Add the device manually in case Alexa fails to recognize it.
  5. Now, you can command Alexa to control the smart home device. For instance, you can say, “Alexa, switch porch light off.”

Transform Smart Home Devices with Google Assistant

  1. To begin with, set up the smart home device and turn it on.
  2. Ensure that the smart home device and the Google Assistant smart speaker are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  3. Launch the Google Assistant App.
  4. Open the Settings.
  5. Now, select Assistant and choose Home Control from the menu.
  6. Go to the Devices section.
  7. Select the plus icon that reads- Add your smart devices.
  8. Now, you will see a list of all the compatible smart devices.
  9. Make the correct selection.
  10. You will have to log into your account on the smart home device.
  11. Follow the prompts on the screen and at last, choose Done.
  12. Additionally, you can go back to the Assistant segment, located the device and add its nickname.

Transform Smart Home Devices with Siri

Siri keeps the charge of smart devices via HomeKit. The smart home device needs to be HomeKit-compatible if you want to pair it with Siri. Hence, you need to ensure it first. If it is HomeKit compatible, then just set it up and connect it to the internet network.

  1. To add accessories, ensure that you have installed the Gome app on your iOS device.
  2. Launch the Home App and tap on Add Accessory.
  3. Using the iPhone or iPad camera, scan the HomeKit code shown on the smart device.
  4. A few smart devices show a QR code.
  5. If your iPhone is not quite new, then it might connect via NFC. Hence place the phone near your smart device.
  6. Keep an eye on the app and when the accessory model appears, select it.
  7. Allow the Accessory to get added to the network.
  8. Add a name for the accessory, and you can even assign it to any room.
  9. After making all the changes, choose the Done option.

Source :-

Karen Minton  is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. She writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

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