In one of my past lives I was a makeup FX artist. This comes in handy working on my own productions and occasionally working with friends on theirs.

This weekend I'll be lending a bloody hand to Trash Film Orgy's shoot of Planet of the Vampire Women. I don't really have a clear idea what gore fx I'll be doing, but I have quite a few appliances that could be put to good use.

On a somewhat related note: I've recently switched from smoking cigarettes while I film to smoking an e-cigarette. This is not only for health reasons but also so I don't smell like cigarettes. Yuck. The cool part about this is I can work on the makeup fx while smoking, and it won't bother the actors (it's water vapor), or me.

I was never a full time smoker, it was always just while drinking (in social situations) or while filming (where I'd smoke like a chimney). I've also switched from energy drinks to energy shots, but that's another story.

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Comment by Anna Wayne on December 29, 2019 at 4:07am

So, what’s about vaping? You didn’t mention it while this is very relevant and popular now. Many of my friends like it and it is far from smoking. Vape juice is not as harmful as tobacco and it gives a really good smell. Smoking is awful in this sense but vaping is really pleasant and it doesn’t do harm to your health and other people


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