When the Land Turned Black is a short documentary directed by Ashley Panzera and produced by Blaire Briody. The film is a glimpse into the life of a third generation farmer, Donny Nelson, and the changes he’s seen to his land during North Dakota’s oil boom. With over 25 oil wells drilled on his property in the past few years, Nelson has documented spills, accidents and the release of dangerous gasses on his once-peaceful farm. Donny’s connection and love for his land is a powerful contrast to the oil industry around him. Nelson’s story will be featured in an upcoming book by Blaire Briody from St. Martin’s Press.
Laurels, awards and other accomplishments:
Blaire Briody is an award-winning journalist and editor-at-large for The Fiscal Times. She has written for The New York Times, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Fast Company, Cosmopolitan, Sactown Magazine, among others. She’s currently working on a nonfiction book about the oil boom in North Dakota, and received the Richard J. Margolis Award for emerging journalists in 2014. She graduated from the University of California, Davis with a degree in international relations.
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