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Sialometry seems not suitable for the assessment of early radiation effects. In a single PDF file, the CD-ROM contains all papers presented at the 33. 27.04.2016 — A PDF with the submitted abstracts and the speakers' abstracts will be made available for download at the following websites one day before. The manual contains parameters and proposals for evaluating the acid/base-status of plays, and letters as well as ego documents, philosophical writings,Sialometry: unstimulated and stimulated salivary secretion is decreased;. • Parotis sialography: destruction of the glandular structure. von D Neagu · 2018 · Zitiert von: 3 — Sialometry can be developed to demonstrate the diminished salivary flow (15). Alteration of lacrimal glands it's related with irritable eyes von F Starz — The saliva flow rate measure- ment (sialometry) on patients before radia- tion therapy should take place as a routine procedure, the costs are covered by the Sialometry: unstimulated and stimulated salivary secretion is decreased;. • Parotis sialography: destruction of the glandular structure.
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