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Type species Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. ITIS link: Digitaria Haller ; Kew Gardens 'World Checklist' link : Digitaria Haller (1768) NCBI link: Digitaria; The Plant List link: Digitaria ; Tropicos link: Digitaria Haller ; World Register of Marine Species link: Digitaria S. V. Wood, 1853 (+ list species) Digitaria sanguinalis pdf From Wikispecies Jump to navigation Jump to search Scientific Name Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Plant Family Poaceae (Grasses) Hairy Crabgrass is an annual that usually is found growing with stems lying on the ground where they can root at the nodes. Stems (culms) can be 8 to 28 inches long. Core ideas: 1. Poultry litter is an effective N source for crabgrass production. 2. At Coastal Plain herbage accumulation plateaued at 7136 kg dry matter ha-1at an agronomic optimum N rate of 198 (SE = 49) kg N ha-1. 3. Herbage accumulation at Piedmont was erratic and approximately half or less compared to Coastal Plain. 4. Digitaria sanguinalis (lat. Digitaria sanguinalis) — mürəkkəbçiçəklilər fəsiləsinin digitaria cinsinə aid biki növü.. Sinonim. Asperella digitaria Lam.; Cynodon praecox (Walter) Roem. & Schult. Dactilon sanguinale (L.) Vill.; Digitaria aegyptiaca Willd.. Digitaria aegyptiaca subsp. caucasica (Henrard) Tzvelev; Digitaria australis Willd. ex Trin. . [In Balanites aegyptiaca is a multibranched, spiny, evergreen wild shrub or tree that grows up to 10 m in height (Figure 1) belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family (Chothani and Vaghasiya, 2011; Hall, 1992).It is endemic to dry land areas. The crown is spherical and grows in one or several distinct masses. Its trunk is short and often branches from near the base. Digitaria sanguinalis frumentacea Henrard, no Latin descr. Digitaria sanguinalis aegyptiaca ( Willd.) Maire & Weiller. Digitaria sanguinalis vulgaris ( Schrad.) Henrard. Digitaria sanguinalis aegyptiaca ( Willd.) Henrard. Digitaria sanguinalis composita ( Waisb.) Orobanche ramosa, sin = O. aegyptiaca Orobanchaceae Panicum vaginatum Graminae Paspalum dilatatum Graminae Paspalum scrobiculatum Graminae Pennisetum alopecuroides Graminae Phalaris arundinacea Graminae Phalaris minor Graminae Saccharum spontaneum Graminae Setaria poiretiana, sin.= S. sulfata Graminae S. frugiperda is a highly fecund species, 900-1000 eggs can be laid by each female in tight clusters of 100-300 usually covered with a protective layer of abdominal bristles (Johnson, 1987). It is one of the better-known species of the genus Digitaria, and one that is known nearly worldwide as a common weed. It is used as animal fodder, and the seeds are edible and have been used as a grain in Germany and especially Poland, where it is occasionally cultivated. This has earned it the name Polish millet. Non-dormant seeds of Orobanche aegyptiaca were incubated at water potentials of 0 to -1.33 MPa and at constant temperatures from 5 to 29°C. Effects of water potential and temperature on final germination were modelled. In general, germination increased with increased temperature from 5 to 20°C and decreased above 26°C. Balanites aegyptiaca (Balanitaceae) tapúÑdi Bauhinia rufescens (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) mókshi Bombax costatum (Bombacaceae) mbal mÉnd
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