Celestron's user manuals, for the Astro and Cosmos, tell you very little, in 5 different languages, and are useless in helping to resolve this problem. (I think the cosmos was 269 and the Astro Fi was 389 at launch) so decided against it. I have the same problem I have the astrofi 130 Newtonian and I only bought it as I thought it was The Astro Fi 130mm Newtonian with fully coated glass optics provides outstanding views of the Moon, planets, and nebulae, and more. The large 130mm aperture offers the best resolution and the short focal length gives you incredibly wide fields of view. Accessory tray holds 2 x 1.25" eyepieces, miscellaneous accessories, including a rubber-lined Celestron AstroFi 130. 4.899 kr. Model/Varenr.: C22203. Lagerstatus: Forventes til lager august 2022. Beskrivelse. Manual. Celestron Astro Fi 130 Newtonian er en stjernekikkert som kan kontrolleres med din smartphone eller tablet ved brug af Celestron Sky Portal App (gratis). Support & Downloads. Description. The Astro Fi 130 is a computerized alt-azimuth Newtonian telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. The Astro Fi offers dazzling views of craters on the Moon, the rings of Saturn, the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, the Hercules Globular Cluster and so much more at night. This review based on Astro Fi 90 scope purchased on 7/2019 at $289 to celebrate 50-year anniversary of man landing on the moon. Planet viewing from Pgh PA. Celestron seems to improve their products so some other reviews might be for scopes purchased before this date. 10/1/2019 - Update Telescope continues to work well - no problems to report. Celestron 's Astro Fi 130mm f/5 Reflector Telescope utilizes an integrated antenna to emit a local WiFi signal so you can control the mount via Android and iOS smartphones and tablets running their free SkyPortal app. More Details In Stock Share Print $529.95 $89 /mo. suggested payments for 6 Mos. with the credit card. § Learn More Astro Fi Series Instruction Manual (5 Languages) Inspire Series Instruction Manual (5 Languages) Celestron Labs CM800 Manual. Celestron Labs S1060 Manual. TetraView LCD Digital Microscope Manual. NexStar 4 SE Manual. NexStar 130 SLT Quick Setup Guide. ExploraScope Guide. Microscope Basics. I have just bought a Celestron AstroFi telescope but having problems with Sky Portal app. When I press a button on app to move telescope it just does it own thing just keeps going up and down at random. Maybe I should of got more basic for total novice like me but thought the app may help. Anyone 0:00. 0:00 / 4:52 •. Live. •. The Astro Fi 130 is a computerized alt-azimuth Newtonian telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. The Astro Fi offers dazzling views of craters on the Moon, the rings of Saturn, the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, the Hercules Globular Cluster and so much more at night. Oculares. 25 mm y 10 mm. Montura altazimutal. Computarizada GoTo. El telescopio reflector Celestron Astro fi 130 posee en su interior espejos que reflejan la luz de los objetos celestes y la concentra en el ocular del telescopio para que puedas observarlos. Debido a su apertura de 130 mm es capaz de alcanzar un máximo aumento útil de 307x The Astro Fi 130 comes with two eyepieces (25mm and 10 mm), an integrated smartphone adapter, and a red dot finderscope. The two eyepieces offer different magnifications to view your intended object. The re
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