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This book is the fourth version of the Guide to AUN-QA Assessment at Programme. Level. It documents the revised criteria and the processes of the AUN-QA ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) network 17th floor The AUN-QA Revision Committee Meeting for 'Guide to AUN-QA Assessment atTo develop the right assessors for the task, AUN-QA has conducted numerous trainings for new AUN-QA Assessors from different universities. The 1st training This guidebook is the third version of the Guide to AUN-QA Assessment at. Programme Level. It documents the revised criteria and the process of AUN-QA. This guidebook is the first revision of the AUN-QA Manual for the Implementation of the Guidelines. It documents the criteria and assessment process of AUN AUN-QA Guidelines. AUN-QA Manual. AUN-QA Assessments. AUN-QA Revised Manual. AUN-QA Operating Guidelines. Improvement. Initiation. Implementation. ASEAN UNIVERSITIES NETWORK- QUALITY ASSURANCE Guideline Manual. The creation of the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) was initiated in
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