Alfalfa honey production pdf

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The price of bulk honey fluctuates with international production, and from 2007 to 2017 ranged between $0.98 and 2.25 CDN per lb ($2.16-4.95 per kg; Laate 2017 ). Alberta accounts for 42-45% of honey production in Canada and 43% of national production is exported rather than being consumed domestically ( Statistics Canada 2016 ). Alfalfa performs best on well-drained, relatively deep soils with a minimum rooting depth of 0.9 to 1.2 m. Limitations to rooting depth may be caused by physical or chemical factors, such as hardpans, stratified soils, or salts that restrict productivi- ty and lower yield. Poor drainage or a high water ta- ble may also limit root growth. Average seed production per plant was 17.2 gm. with a range from 8.8 to 44.8 gm. The 400% range suggests a good possibility of improvement by breeding for this character. 5. Preliminary progeny tests for nectar production per flower were conducted, using polycross progenies and selfs and crosses involving high and low nectar producers. Specifically, alfalfa is a cross-pollinated, perennial crop that requires bees to "trip" flowers to release pollen for seed production (McGregor 1976). Typically, alfalfa seed producers depend on 1Paper presented at the North American Conference On Enterprise Development Through Agroforestry: Farming the Agroforest for Spe cialty Products (Minneapolis, MN, October 4-7, 1998) 2Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0073 133 Pollination and Honey Production in the Forest and Agroforest1 Dr. Deborah B. Hill2 ABSTRACT: It has been estimated that every third In outcrossing crops like alfalfa, various bee species can contribute to pollination and gene flow in seed production fields. With the increasing use of transgenic crops, it becomes important to determine the role of these distinct pollinators on alfalfa pollination and gene flow. The current study examines the relative contribution of honeybees, three bumble bee species, and three solitary Alfalfa ( / ælˈfælfə /) ( Medicago sativa ), also called lucerne, is a perennial flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae. It is cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world. It is used for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop. The name alfalfa is used in North America. GE alfalfa seed production and seed production for APS export markets. The basis for current isolation standards is discussed in a peer reviewed publication describing the biology of alfalfa and alfalfa production in the U.S.; a comprehensive overview of gene flow in alfalfa and procedures to mitigate gene flow (CAST, 2008). 4. Approximately 200,000 alfalfa seeds are in one pound. 5. Alfalfa roots can penetrate the soil more than 15 feet deep. 6. People eat alfalfa in the form of alfalfa sprouts or in the form of ice cream and cheese. 7. Honey is often made by bees after they visit alfalfa fields. 8. Alfalfa can be cut between 3-12 times and can last up to 25 Organic Honey Production and GM Plants Bernadette Oehen, FiBL Biofach 2011. Honey with Pollen from gm- plants without approval Alfalfa 1 1 0 Squash/Tomato 3 0 0


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