Casting Call for The Sunflower Journal
Friday, June 10, 7-10 PM

Location: Irongate Apartment Clubhouse
Park at Bel-Air. Clubhouse is located by the apartment entrance at Arena Boulevard and Stemmler. The gates are locked, so follow sidewalk behind fountain. Clubhouse will be on your right, and use the side entrance. Please contact us if you're lost.
Told through various narrative treatments, we give our audience a look inside the mind of a man wrestling with alcoholism and drug addictions.
We're looking at casting the two leads, The Unknown and Alice, a young couple in a very real, emotional, raw and intimate relationship. We see their highs and lows as they try to hold onto those significant moments that defined their relationship but have now been hidden by a glaze of continual drug use and alcoholism. These roles are for serious actors that are up for the challenge. Throughout this piece these characters are on an emotional roller coaster; there are high highs and even lower lows.
To break up the narrative, we pull the audience outside of the dredges of The Unknown's and Alice's relationship and introduce them to two characters: Vohu Manah and Azrael. These two are relaying the stories from within The Unknown's mind; narratives of past experiences, recollections of conversations, or pieces of fiction.
It is an unconventional film, but one that will redefine the cerebral drama genre.
Written and Directed by Jason Nelson from films such as "Strangers Sojourners" and "Vitreo."
Filmed and Directed by Brian Caylor from films such as "Civic Overture" and "Strangers Sojourners."
This film is being produced by Division Media Productions.
Once filming and post-production is complete this film will be submitted to national and international film festivals.
For more details on this project, please see additional posts at

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