All Videos Tagged Diego (California Film Foundation) - California Film Foundation2024-12-01T20:09:28Z Diego Corporate Video Production -,2018-02-21:4396757:Video:1396472018-02-21T00:49:55.446ZBlake Barnett
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</a> <br></br><a href="">San Diego Corporate Video Production</a><br></br>
In the lighting world, energy consultants, electrical contractors, architects, building owners, energy companies and lighting manufacturers often work at cross-purposes with each other. The Youtil App was designed for all the various parties to have a platform where they…
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<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br /><a href="">San Diego Corporate Video Production</a><br />
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In the lighting world, energy consultants, electrical contractors, architects, building owners, energy companies and lighting manufacturers often work at cross-purposes with each other. The Youtil App was designed for all the various parties to have a platform where they can be on the same page. Our video was produced as a means to interest investors in the start up organi-zation.